Weekly Horoscope For Leo

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leoJul 23 - Aug 22

Leo Horoscope For This Week (Week of Starting On: May 05 to May 11)


This week, a connection becomes more solid.

The week begins on Sunday, May 5, with the sun in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries. You could be a little famous today. Leo, your social media posts might circle the globe, bringing you more likes or followers than usual. You might walk into a restaurant and be recognized by the waiter who remembers when you were in last and what you ordered. You could meet someone on the sidewalk who remembers your name even though you can’t recall theirs.

On Monday, May 6, Saturn in Pisces makes a semisquare to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of relationships. This is powerful energy that is peaking now. You and your partner might make a big decision about what you’re going to do going forward, such as buying a house together or getting engaged. If you’re looking for love, you could run into someone you once dated and find there is still interest.

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In Love

This week, you are attracting love and friendship.

The week begins on Sunday, April 28, with Mars conjoining Neptune in Pisces. You could be diving deep into your long-term financial picture. Leo, you might look at your investments and reallocate your assets to take advantage of recent movement in the market. You might be learning about new types of investments and taking advantage of some new opportunities.

Venus enters the sign of Taurus on Monday, April 29, where it will stay until May 23. Your charisma is high and your popularity is soaring. You can attract new friends and someone for a love relationship now. This is a good time to be seen, so don’t hide at home. Accept invitations and be around new people.

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In Work

What are you afraid of, Leo?

Recently, Mercury retrograde may have encouraged you to face your fear of the future and go beyond your comfort zone in your professional journey. You may have a few fears left to tackle when Mercury in Aries conjuncts Chiron in Aries on Monday, May 6. It can be easy to get in your head and feel doubtful of what is to come. But before you go off the deep end, try to face your fears head-on to move past them. Speaking and thinking positively about your professional future might help you heal during this conjunction. 

By the following day, you might be in higher spirits thanks to the new moon in Taurus. As the new moon begins a new six-month cycle, you could be more hopeful about your career path and new professional opportunities. If you want to accomplish something particular, then you should set the intention to do so during the new moon. You could even get the ball rolling by starting on your intentions during the lunation! No matter what you do, you should feel relatively empowered and in control since the sun in Taurus will also sextile Saturn in Pisces.

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