Monthly Horoscope For Leo

Your Leo horoscope prediction for this month is ready for you to read! Find out what lies into the future about the month of March 2024 just for you Leo!

leoJul 23 - Aug 22

This Month's Overview

March 2024

Change and Transformation

You might be ready to make a few changes to key aspects of your life this month, Leo, including finances, business affairs, and shared assets. There’s an emphasis on the sign of Pisces and your sector of transformation, so this could be an intense but rewarding time.

The sun in this sector is joined by prudent Saturn, chatty Mercury, and dreamy Neptune. You might feel a strong desire to let go of emotional blocks that are keeping you from enjoying the health, wealth, and happiness you deserve.

The new moon in Pisces on March 10 might be the perfect opportunity to find closure on one issue that has been particularly troublesome. It’s also a good time to initiate a course of action that’s linked to a goal or project that you’ve been planning for some time.

In addition, convivial Venus moves into Pisces on the eleventh, followed by spicy Mars on the twenty-second, so there is the potential for renewed passion in a long-term bond or an encounter that has soul-mate potential.

The sun’s move into Aries on March 19 could encourage you to travel, especially if you haven’t been anywhere in a long time. Choose an exciting destination where you can enjoy a few adventures and relax at the same time. If you feel like studying or earning a qualification, the desire to enhance your knowledge base could be strong over the coming weeks and perhaps something you’ll want to pursue.

There’s a lunar eclipse in Libra on the twenty-fifth that could be quite stirring. It takes place in your sector of talk and thought, so any conversations you have around this time could have profound implications. They might have a make-or-break quality and lead to game-changing decisions.

Finally, the continued presence of upbeat Jupiter and restless Uranus in your sector of career is perfect for bringing you some sizzling opportunities.

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